Amazon turker performing data entry

How to Earn  Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk

If you’re looking to make some extra cash online, you’ve probably heard about Amazon Mechanical Turk. It might sound a bit mysterious, but it’s a platform that offers various tasks you can complete to earn money. In this article, we’ll provide you good idea about the world of Amazon Mechanical Turk and how it works. Many Turkers work out from home, you decide if you can use this side hustle.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: How to Earn Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk
  2. Understanding Amazon Mechanical Turk
  3. Getting Started with Amazon Mechanical Turk
  4. The Basics of Completing Tasks
  5. Types of Tasks Available
  6. How Much Can You Earn?
  7. Tips and Strategies to Maximize Earnings
  8. Is Amazon Mechanical Turk Worth Your Time?
  9. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What is Amazon Mechanical Turk?
    2. How do I sign up for Amazon Mechanical Turk?
    3. What kind of tasks can I find on Amazon Mechanical Turk?
    4. How and when do I get paid on Amazon Mechanical Turk?
    5. Are there any age restrictions for Amazon Mechanical Turk?
    6. Is Amazon Mechanical Turk available worldwide?
  10. Conclusion

Understanding Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk, often abbreviated as MTurk, is a crowdsourcing marketplace that allows businesses and individuals to post small tasks or “Human Intelligence Tasks” (HITs). These tasks can range from data entry and content moderation to surveys and research. Workers, known as “Turkers,” can browse these tasks and complete them for a specified payment.

Getting Started with Amazon Mechanical Turk

Before you start earning on MTurk, you need to create an account. It’s a straightforward process. Just visit the Amazon Mechanical Turk website, sign in with your Amazon account, and complete your worker profile. Make sure your profile is accurate and complete, as requesters may use this information to filter workers.

The Basics of Completing Tasks

Once your account is set up, you can start browsing and completing tasks. Each task has a description, payment amount, and an estimated time for completion. Choose tasks that match your skills and interests. When you complete a task, it goes through a review process by the requester, and once approved, you’ll receive your earnings.

Types of Tasks Available in Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk offers a diverse array of tasks that cater to a wide range of skills and interests. These tasks can vary in complexity and duration, allowing workers to choose those that align with their capabilities and preferences. Here, we’ll delve into the different categories of tasks you can find on MTurk:

1. Surveys in Amazon Mechanical Turk

Surveys on Amazon Mechanical Turk can cover a vast range of topics and purposes. Some surveys may be straightforward, requiring just a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions. Others, however, can delve into more complex subjects and demand a greater time investment. The compensation for surveys typically depends on their length and complexity. So, if you have expertise in specific fields or are just looking for quick tasks to complete, surveys might be your go-to option.

2. Data Entry

Data entry tasks involve transcribing information from one format to another, which can include handwritten documents, scanned images, or printed forms. These tasks require careful attention to detail, as accuracy is crucial. Whether you’re inputting data into spreadsheets, databases, or any other digital format, data entry tasks provide a steady stream of opportunities for those who excel in precision and speed.

3. Content Moderation

Content moderation is a vital task for maintaining a safe and welcoming online environment. Companies and websites rely on workers to review and moderate user-generated content, ensuring it adheres to community guidelines. This task involves identifying and flagging inappropriate content, such as hate speech, explicit material, or violations of platform policies. It’s a task that holds great responsibility and helps maintain a respectful and enjoyable online atmosphere.

4. Transcription

Transcription tasks require a keen ear and fast fingers. You’ll be listening to audio or video content and converting it into written text. Whether it’s a recorded interview, podcast, or lecture, your job is to accurately transcribe the spoken words. Payment for transcription tasks often correlates with the duration and complexity of the material, making it a suitable choice for those with excellent listening skills.

5. Image Tagging

In image tagging tasks, you’ll engage in categorizing and describing images. This is fundamental for creating searchable image databases, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. You’ll need a good eye for detail to identify objects, people, or themes within the images. Image tagging contributes to improving search functionality on e-commerce platforms and image libraries.

6. Research

Research tasks require an inquisitive mind and a knack for summarizing information. You might be asked to investigate specific topics and provide concise summaries of your findings. These tasks can range from product research for companies to gathering data on public opinion for research studies. They are an opportunity to dive into various subjects and develop your research and summarization skills.

7. Writing and Content Creation

While less common, Amazon Mechanical Turk also offers tasks that involve writing, including articles, blog posts, or product descriptions. These tasks can be more rewarding, both in terms of payment and personal satisfaction, especially if you have strong writing skills and expertise in a particular niche.

8. Categorization and Labeling

Categorization and labeling tasks typically involve sorting products or content into specific categories or applying relevant tags or labels. For example, you might categorize clothing items for an online store or label products to improve search results on e-commerce platforms.

9. Sentiment Analysis for Amazon Mechanical Turk

Some tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk revolve around assessing sentiment in reviews or social media posts. In these tasks, you’ll determine whether the content conveys a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. This is crucial for companies seeking to understand public opinion about their products or services.

10. Machine Learning Data

Machine learning data tasks involve helping train machine learning algorithms by labeling data. This can include categorizing images for machine vision systems or tagging text for natural language processing models. These tasks contribute to the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

11. Quality Assurance

Quality assurance tasks require reviewing and verifying the quality of work completed by other workers on the platform. This could involve checking the accuracy of transcriptions, the appropriateness of content moderation decisions, or the quality of data entry.

12. Website Testing

Companies often seek feedback on the functionality and user experience of their websites. In website testing tasks, you’ll explore websites, interact with their features, and provide feedback on any issues or improvements needed. Your input helps businesses enhance their online presence.

13. Content Validation

Content validation tasks involve ensuring that content is accurate and up-to-date. This could involve verifying that links are functional or checking the information against trusted sources. Your work helps maintain the integrity of online information.

14. Audio and Video Evaluation

Audio and video evaluation tasks require assessing the quality of audio recordings or the content of videos. Your feedback helps content creators improve the clarity and quality of their media.

15. Language Translation

For those fluent in multiple languages, there are translation tasks where you might be asked to translate text from one language to another. This helps businesses and organizations expand their reach to a global audience.

As you explore the myriad of tasks available on Amazon Mechanical Turk, you’ll discover opportunities that match your skills and interests, making it possible to earn money while doing tasks you enjoy. The platform’s diversity is one of its key strengths, providing something for everyone.

How Much Can You Earn?

Earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk can vary widely. The payment for tasks can range from a few cents to several dollars, depending on the complexity and time required. On average, many Turkers report earning $6 to $15 per hour. While it might not replace a full-time job, it can be an excellent way to supplement your income or earn some extra spending money.

Tips and Strategies to Maximize Earnings

While Amazon Mechanical Turk offers a myriad of tasks, maximizing your earnings on the platform requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips and strategies to help you make the most of your time and effort on MTurk:

1. Choose Tasks Wisely:

Not all tasks are created equal. Some offer higher payouts for relatively less effort, while others may require more time for a minimal reward. To maximize your earnings, focus on tasks that offer a fair balance between effort and compensation. Look for tasks that pay well compared to the time they take to complete.

2. Specialize in a Task Type:

Consider becoming an expert in a particular type of task. Whether it’s data entry, transcription, or content moderation, becoming proficient in one area can increase your efficiency. You’ll be able to complete tasks more quickly and with higher accuracy, ultimately earning more in less time.

3. Consistency is Key:

Like any job, consistency matters. Dedicate regular time to Amazon Mechanical Turk to build a good reputation and a consistent income stream. The more consistently you work, the more likely you are to access higher-paying tasks and gain trust from requesters.

4. Look for Bonuses:

Some requesters offer bonuses for exceptional work. Keep an eye out for tasks that promise bonuses. Completing tasks with the possibility of bonuses can significantly boost your earnings. Requesters often reward workers who consistently provide high-quality results.

5. Use Browser Extensions:

Browser extensions like Turkopticon can be valuable tools on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Turkopticon allows workers to review and rate requesters, helping you identify trustworthy ones and avoid potential scams. Before accepting a task, check the requester’s reputation to ensure you’ll be paid fairly and promptly.

6. Set Realistic Goals:

Set achievable daily or weekly earnings goals based on your availability. Having clear targets can motivate you to stay focused and organized. Keep in mind that it may take some time to reach your income goals, so patience is key.

7. Manage Your Time Effectively:

Time management is crucial when working on MTurk. Decide on the hours you’ll dedicate to tasks and stick to a schedule. Avoid procrastination and distractions to make the most of your working time.

8. Check for Batch Tasks:

Batch tasks are tasks that can be completed in succession. These are often more efficient since you can apply the same skills to multiple tasks without constant switching. Look for batch tasks that match your expertise.

9. Seek Out Higher-Paying Requesters:

Identify and build relationships with requesters who consistently offer well-paying tasks. If you do quality work for them, they are more likely to offer you more tasks in the future.

10. Stay Informed About New Tasks:

New tasks are added regularly on Amazon Mechanical Turk. By staying informed and checking the platform frequently, you can access tasks as soon as they become available. This can be particularly advantageous when it comes to limited-availability high-paying tasks.

11. Network with Other Turkers:

Engaging with the MTurk community can be helpful. Join forums or communities where Turkers share tips, advice, and updates on high-paying tasks. Networking can provide valuable insights and keep you informed about the latest opportunities.

12. Be Wary of Scams:

Not all tasks are legitimate, and scammers do exist on the platform. If a task seems too good to be true or requests sensitive personal information, it’s best to avoid it. Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety.

13. Track Your Earnings:

Keep a record of the tasks you’ve completed and the payments you’ve received. This will help you monitor your progress and ensure you’re being compensated correctly.

14. Use Qualifications to Your Advantage:

Some requesters may require specific qualifications to access their tasks. Take the time to earn these qualifications, as they can open the door to higher-paying tasks. Qualifications demonstrate your expertise and reliability.

15. Maintain a High Approval Rating:

Your approval rating, based on the quality of your work, plays a significant role in accessing tasks. Keep your approval rating high by consistently delivering accurate and well-executed results.

Pros of Working as a Turker on Amazon Mechanical Turk:

  1. Flexibility:
    • One of the primary advantages is the flexibility to choose when and where to work. Turkers can log in and complete tasks at their convenience, making it suitable for those with varying schedules.
  2. Diverse Task Opportunities:
    • MTurk offers a wide range of tasks covering various industries and skill levels. This diversity allows workers to explore different types of work based on their interests and expertise.
  3. Global Access to Work for Amazon Mechanical Turk:
    • Turkers in Amazon Mechanical Turk can access tasks from around the world, providing an opportunity to work with requesters from different countries. This global accessibility increases the potential for finding a variety of tasks.
  4. Remote Work:
    • Working on MTurk allows individuals to earn income without the need for commuting or adhering to a traditional office schedule. This is particularly beneficial for those who prefer or require remote work options.
  5. Micro-Task Efficiency:
    • Many tasks on MTurk are micro-tasks that can be completed quickly. This allows workers to maximize their time and potentially earn money in a more efficient manner compared to traditional employment.
  6. No Formal Qualifications Required:
    • Unlike some traditional job markets, MTurk does not always require formal qualifications. This lowers entry barriers, enabling individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets to participate.
  7. Quick Payouts:
    • Some tasks offer instant or quick payouts upon completion. This can be advantageous for those who need immediate access to funds.
  8. Skill Enhancement:
    • Completing tasks on MTurk can provide an opportunity for skill development. Workers may gain experience in various areas such as data analysis, categorization, and content creation.

Cons of Working as a Turker on Amazon Mechanical Turk:

  1. Low Pay for Some Tasks:
    • One of the most significant criticisms is the low pay for certain tasks. Some HITs offer minimal compensation, leading to concerns about the overall financial sustainability for workers.
  2. Uncertain Income:
    • The availability of tasks can be unpredictable, leading to uncertain income for workers. Fluctuations in task volume can impact a Turker’s ability to earn a consistent income.
  3. Potential for Exploitation:
    • There are concerns about the potential for worker exploitation, especially given the piece-rate payment structure and the lack of minimum wage guarantees. Some workers may find it challenging to earn a fair wage for their time and effort.
  4. Limited Worker Protections:
    • Unlike traditional employment, Turkers do not have the same level of job security, benefits, or worker protections. They are considered independent contractors, which means they may not have access to benefits like health insurance or workers’ compensation.
  5. Quality Control Challenges:
    • Workers may face challenges related to the quality control mechanisms employed by requesters. Rejections or low ratings can impact a Turker’s ability to access higher-paying tasks.
  6. Isolation and Lack of Community:
    • Working on MTurk can be isolating, as workers typically operate independently. The lack of a cohesive community can limit opportunities for networking or support among peers.
  7. Inconsistent Task Descriptions:
    • Some tasks may have unclear or inconsistent instructions, leading to potential misunderstandings between workers and requesters. This can result in rejected work or disputes.
  8. Dependence on Requesters:
    • Turkers are dependent on requesters to provide tasks. If demand from requesters decreases or if a Turker falls out of favor with certain requesters, it can impact the availability of tasks.

Understanding both the positive and negative aspects of working on Amazon Mechanical Turk is crucial for individuals considering participation in the platform. While it offers flexibility and diverse opportunities, it also comes with challenges related to income stability and worker protections.

Is Amazon Mechanical Turk Worth Your Time?

The worth of Amazon Mechanical Turk as a money-making opportunity depends on your goals and circumstances. If you’re seeking a flexible way to earn some extra cash without the commitment of a traditional job, it can be a valuable platform. However, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, and you need to invest time and effort to see significant returns.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online platform that connects workers with businesses and individuals who need various tasks completed. It offers a wide range of tasks that people can do to earn money.

How do I sign up for Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Signing up for Amazon Mechanical Turk is simple. Visit the website, sign in with your Amazon account, and complete your worker profile.

What kind of tasks can I find on Amazon Mechanical Turk?

You can find a diverse array of tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk, including surveys, data entry, content moderation, transcription, image tagging, and research tasks.

How and when do I get paid on Amazon Mechanical Turk?

You can choose to receive your earnings via Amazon gift cards or direct bank transfer. Payments are typically made within 48 hours of completing a task, but it can vary based on the requester’s settings.

Are there any age restrictions for Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Yes, to work on Amazon Mechanical Turk, you must be at least 18 years old.

Is Amazon Mechanical Turk available worldwide?

Yes, Amazon Mechanical Turk is available to workers worldwide, so you can access it from almost anywhere.

Here are 3 personal stories from the perspective of workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk):

The Side Hustle – As a college student, Sam spends hours each week completing small MTurk tasks like data entry and surveys. The extra $50-100 per month helps pay bills while in school. Sam knows many requesters treat Turkers poorly, but finds some good partners offering fair pay for simple work he can complete between classes.

The Marathon Worker – Jessica logs into MTurk daily looking to maximize hourly earnings. She meticulously tracks her stats, only working with reputable requesters paying at least $10 per hour. Multitasking allows juggling multiple tasks at once. Jessica shares tips in online forums to help newcomers avoid scams and low paying HITs. After years on the platform, it has become her primary source of income.

The Loyal Local – Brad enjoys the flexibility to work exclusively for requesters conducting market research in his city. Being a familiar face helps land qualifying HITs paying a few dollars each. Through exchanging personal messages, Brad has built rapport with several managers. They often allocate projects exclusively to him before posting publicly. Loyalty pays off literally with reliable side work fitting Brad’s schedule as a father of three.

While far from lucrative careers, these stories depict how MTurk provides supplemental income to some. Success requires diligence, strategy and relationship building – but flexibility allows fitting work into many lives as a legit at-home side hustle when done right.

How to Get Started Quickly with Amazon Mechanical Turk



In conclusion, Amazon Mechanical Turk is a legitimate platform where you can earn money by completing various tasks. While it may not provide substantial income, it can be a convenient and flexible way to make some extra cash. By following the tips and strategies mentioned in this article, you can maximize your earnings and make the most of your time on Mturk.

External Links:

  1. Amazon Mechanical Turk
  2. Turkopticon

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) Knowledge Base:

  1. Overview:
    • Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing marketplace that connects businesses and individuals (requesters) with a global workforce (workers) to perform tasks that are difficult for computers but relatively easy for humans.
    • Launched by Amazon in 2005, MTurk is named after the 18th-century device called the Mechanical Turk, which was a chess-playing automaton operated by a human inside.
  2. Requesters:
    • Requesters are individuals or businesses that post tasks, known as Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs), on MTurk for workers to complete.
    • Tasks can range from image annotation and data categorization to more complex tasks like content moderation and research.
  3. Workers:
    • Workers are individuals who complete tasks on MTurk in exchange for payment. They are often referred to as Turkers.
    • Turkers come from diverse backgrounds and locations, providing a global pool of labor for requesters.
  4. Task Variety:
    • HITs on MTurk cover a wide range of categories, including data entry, image recognition, sentiment analysis, content creation, and more.
    • The platform is versatile and can accommodate both micro-tasks that take only a few seconds to complete and larger tasks that may require more time.
  5. Payment Structure:
    • Requesters set the payment for each HIT, and workers decide whether to accept or decline based on the offered compensation.
    • Payments can be in the form of Amazon Mechanical Turk earnings, gift cards, or direct payments.
  6. Quality Control:
    • Requesters can implement qualifications and use tools provided by MTurk to control the quality of work. This includes setting approval criteria and requiring workers to have specific qualifications.
    • Workers can build a reputation based on their performance, and requesters may choose to work with experienced and highly-rated Turkers.
  7. Challenges and Concerns for Amazon Mechanical Turk:
    • While MTurk on Amazon Mechanical Turk offers a flexible and scalable workforce solution, it has faced criticism for issues such as low pay for some tasks, the potential for exploitation of workers, and concerns about the quality of work produced.
    • There are ongoing discussions within the MTurk community and beyond about fair wages, ethical considerations, and worker rights.
  8. API and Integration:
    • MTurk provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows requesters to integrate MTurk tasks directly into their applications or workflows.
    • This enables seamless automation and scalability for businesses with large-scale or ongoing task needs.
  9. Research and Academic Use:
    • MTurk is widely used in academic research for conducting experiments, surveys, and studies. It provides researchers with access to a diverse participant pool and is often more cost-effective than traditional research methods.
  10. Evolution and Future Trends:
    • MTurk has evolved over the years, adapting to the changing needs of both requesters and workers. The platform continues to play a significant role in the gig economy and remote work landscape.
    • The future of MTurk may involve addressing concerns related to worker welfare, improving task quality through advanced AI integration, and adapting to emerging trends in the broader gig economy.

This knowledge base provides a comprehensive understanding of Amazon Mechanical Turk, covering its functionality, user roles, challenges, and potential future developments.

[Updated January 2024]

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